MO School Finance Update

What's Happening Now

āš™ļø Systems Thinking šŸ’» On-Demand šŸ†“ Free for GOCSD Members

Missouri school finance is a complex and ever-changing landscape with many factors impacting the ways schools receive and expend funds. This recording from the Sept 21st Superintendents GOHuddle session provides a brief update on "what's happening now" and discusses the impact of these happenings on your current and future budgets.

Within 24 hours you will receive an email invite. You can then follow the steps in the GOCSD Catalog Guide for help accepting enrollment in the course.

Guest Expert

Jason Hoffman

Jason Hoffman

Jason is one of Missouri's foremost experts in school finance. His decades of experience building and deploying school budgets, along with his extensive engagement at the state level with all items relating to school finance at the legislative level make him a leader among his peers and a "go to" resource for all who have school finance related questions.

GOLearn Professional Learning Framework


Our GOLearn PL Framework provides an overview of the learning experiences we offer. This systems approach supports continuous improvement and allows members to identify the offerings that meet their needs, providing a personalized experience. It includes three strands: Systems Thinking, Safe and Collaborative Culture, and Highly Effective Teaching and Leading.

We use the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning when designing our experiences to ensure that we provide professional learning that leads to high-quality leading, teaching, and learning for students and educators.

Review our GOLearn Framework to identify sessions that meet your needs, see what sessions are currently open for registration on our PL Events webpage, and access the content in our on-demand catalog to start learning now.