For this month’s #TeacherProud Tuesday we are spotlighting these members:
Hollister R-V School District
Tiger Tuesday: Paula Adams Mrs. Adams is in her sixth year as the Hollister Middle School 6th Grade ELA Teacher. She spent a year working in special education before moving into that position. Prior to joining the #HollisterFamily Mrs. Adams taught in Conway, AR for over 20 years and in Mountain Home, AR for 3 years. Hollister R-V has become a special place for Mrs. Adams and she doesn't want to leave. "Everyone in the district has become family to me, especially those at HMS," she shares. "I love that I work with such compassionate people who build relationships with students and staff. Relationships are the glue that holds us all together!" Mrs. Adams has four grandchildren in the Hollister District, which brings joy to her heart. She also has a grandson who lives in Arkansas (whom she sees often) and her other grands all live in Texas. She travels to see them as frequently as possible. When not working or visiting grandchildren, Mrs. Adams enjoys being outdoors, canoeing, riding horses, and riding trails on ATVs. She loves music and sports. She can often be found at a game or working a game for her #HollisterTigers! #HeartofHollister #TeacherProud

Oran R-III School District
The Oran R-III School District would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated teachers and staff who have devoted a decade or more to our district. Your unwavering commitment to educational excellence has left a lasting impact on countless lives. Thank you for your excellence and dedication. #TeacherProud #OranEaglePride

Republic School District
Mr. Justin Bennett, who teaches English at Republic Middle School, shares what he loves most about his career in education. Two of his students explain his positive attitude and how his support makes a difference.
Join the Celebration
The purpose of the Teacher Proud Tuesday campaign is to lift up and celebrate the profession and those currently serving, to recruit and inspire candidates to consider teaching, and to inform communities, business leaders and policymakers on the importance of public education.
🌟 Check out the Teacher Proud Webpage and Toolkit to learn more.
🔦 If your District would like to be spotlighted by GOCSD please contact Janetta Garton.