Bond Issue

To address the upcoming growth in our community, academic needs of our youngest learners and the safety of our students and employees, Republic School District is proposing a no tax levy increase bond issue on the April 6, 2021 election ballot. The following projects are part of this proposal: 

  • A new Republic Early Childhood Center (EC) with attached high wind shelter on district owned land at the corner of Hines and Hampton.
  • A gymnasium/high wind shelter at Schofield Elementary, the only building that does not have a gym.
  • Funds to acquire property for a future new school building in 4-5 years.

These projects are estimated to cost $16 million and to be completed in the fall of 2022.

Regardless of the bond issue passing or failing, the tax levy will not change from its current rate of just over $4.15. 

For more details visit the Republic Schools Bond Issue webpage.